Aves Treacle
Name: Aves Treacle
Name Pronunciation: [A-vis TREE-kull]
Middle Name: Shinar [Shih-NAR]
Titles: Magister of Sanguinati Magic. Theurgist: Magister ofDivinatory Arts.
Magic Affiliation: Sanguinati
Sanguinati Coven: Dragon’s Mantle
Education: Mystic Steeples
Magister of Sanguinati Magic
Address: Ministry Apartments at Mystic Steeples, Severance, Hoopenfangia.
Date & Place of Birth: October 15, 1890. Yistlepaw region of Severance, Hoopenfangia.
Height/Weight/Physical Description: Aves Treacle is six foot and has gray hair falling in deep-set waves that frame his face. He has a long curly beard to his waist. He’s a little sluggish and falls asleep easily but is in good health for his age. He’s way outdated and tends to live in the past.
Citizenship/Ethnic Origin: Severance, Hoopenfangia. / Jewish and French ancestry.
Parents' Names & Occupations: Unknown.
Other Family Members: Three children who have nothing to do with Aves. (Not mentioned.) Aves fears he will never see his children again to apologize to them.
Spouse or Lover:
Wife: Jaunita Treacle. [WUH-knee-tuh TREE-kull]
Perhaps due to Aves’s compulsion for collecting insect specimens, or his desire to retain his wife’s affections, Aves had filled his home with so many butterflies and moths that Jaunita left him as well.
Friends' Names & Occupations: Scribe Fengurstaph and Dearth Downdilly.
Social Class: High.
Employer: Mystic Steeples.
Magic Specialties: Divinatory Arts (Tarot, Astrology, Dreamcraft, Scrying, Radiesthesia.) To protect against false readings, he irons his Tarot cards and astrological maps before using them.
Magic Wand and Staff: Aves’s wand and magic staff are made of purpleheart wood with agate and silver ornamentations.
Salary: High.
Community Status: Mixed. He had previous failures early in his apprenticeship, work, and family life, which mellowed his temper, bad attitude, and prejudices.
Now he wants to make up for that in his later years, but he scares people with his foreign attempts to come off as nice for a change.
Aves Quote: “You must spend your later years repairing your earlier years.”
Job-Related Skills: Theurgist: Magister of Divinatory Arts (Tarot, Astrology, Dreamcraft, Scrying, Radiesthesia.) Motivation skills.
Political Beliefs/Affiliations: Progressive Sanguinati in his later years.
Hobbies/Recreations: Aves collects insect specimens.
Voice: Aves Treacle uses a lot of hyperbole. He tends to exaggerate.
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