Hiccius Doolally
Name: Hiccius Doolally
Name Pronunciation: [HICKY-us Do-LAH-lee]
Title: Theurgist: Magister of Sanguinati Magic. (Magical Multiple Media Manipulation for Mediums.) Hiccius Doolally is the only non-human in history to have been hired by the ministry to work at Mystic Steeples as a theurgist.
Magic Affiliation: Sanguinati
Sanguinati Coven: Cryptic Chambers
- Mystic Steeples
- Magister of Sanguinati Magic
- Magical Multiple Media Manipulation for Mediums
Assembly Location: His assembly is located in Mystic Steeples inside of a sculpture of a dragon (a magic manipulation) — the next room past the Gallery of Black Mirrors.
Date & Place of Birth: ?/?/? Puckernilli, Hoopenfangia.
Species: Hiccius is a Pumpaninny. Pumpaninnies (plural) are humanlike figures between two and four feet tall. Pumpaninnies are highly skilled at manipulating objects and their surroundings for survival. They dress in padded vests and hats, favoring bright colors. Many have made their home in the old catacombs of the Necromanceropolis and are somewhat shy but generally friendly. They love throwing parties and prefer dim living areas. They have big feet covered with curly hair and are not used to wearing shoes, so many of them move clumsily when they do. Pumpaninnies are usually leaner than dwarves are, and have ears as tall as a rabbit.
Height/Weight/Physical Description: The tips of his tall ears often turn pink, and his small bottom lip and chin are barely visible under his whiskery upper lip. His eyes can make uncoordinated movements that most human eyes are incapable of doing.
Citizenship: Puckernilli, Hoopenfangia.
Parents' Names & Occupations: (Not mentioned). Familiar: Pumpaninnies do not rely on or have familiars.
Social Class: Middle.
Date & Place of Birth: ?/?/? Puckernilli, Hoopenfangia.
Species: Hiccius is a Pumpaninny. Pumpaninnies (plural) are humanlike figures between two and four feet tall. Pumpaninnies are highly skilled at manipulating objects and their surroundings for survival. They dress in padded vests and hats, favoring bright colors. Many have made their home in the old catacombs of the Necromanceropolis and are somewhat shy but generally friendly. They love throwing parties and prefer dim living areas. They have big feet covered with curly hair and are not used to wearing shoes, so many of them move clumsily when they do. Pumpaninnies are usually leaner than dwarves are, and have ears as tall as a rabbit.
Height/Weight/Physical Description: The tips of his tall ears often turn pink, and his small bottom lip and chin are barely visible under his whiskery upper lip. His eyes can make uncoordinated movements that most human eyes are incapable of doing.
Citizenship: Puckernilli, Hoopenfangia.
Parents' Names & Occupations: (Not mentioned). Familiar: Pumpaninnies do not rely on or have familiars.
Social Class: Middle.
Occupation/Employer: Theurgist: Magister of Magical Multiple Media Manipulation for Mediums. Employed by Mystic Steeples.
Magic Specialties: Pumpaninnies are highly skilled at manipulating objects and their surroundings for survival.
Magic Wand: A long black locust wand with sharp thorns.
Community Status: Hiccius is well known and secretly joked about among the Sanguinati. They act indifferent when they see him or have to communicate with him.
Generally nasty and paranoid, Hiccius dishes prejudice worse than he gets it, or at least he does so overtly.
Job-Related Skills: He claims he is gifted in the “art of arts, and the craft of crafting.” He instructs apprentices on how to enchant and communicate with paintings, bring drawings and photographs to life, and command sculptures to do their bidding.
Political Beliefs/Affiliations: Traditional Sanguinati but only for the benefits of gaining favor with Mystic Ministry.
Hobbies/Recreations: Patting his chest. Slapping things with his thorny wand.
Voice: Magister Doolally has a mousy voice that sounds angry and forcedly deeper.
Magic Wand: A long black locust wand with sharp thorns.
Community Status: Hiccius is well known and secretly joked about among the Sanguinati. They act indifferent when they see him or have to communicate with him.
Generally nasty and paranoid, Hiccius dishes prejudice worse than he gets it, or at least he does so overtly.
Job-Related Skills: He claims he is gifted in the “art of arts, and the craft of crafting.” He instructs apprentices on how to enchant and communicate with paintings, bring drawings and photographs to life, and command sculptures to do their bidding.
Political Beliefs/Affiliations: Traditional Sanguinati but only for the benefits of gaining favor with Mystic Ministry.
Hobbies/Recreations: Patting his chest. Slapping things with his thorny wand.
Voice: Magister Doolally has a mousy voice that sounds angry and forcedly deeper.
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