Tilta Crumpecker
Name: Tilta Crumpecker
Name Pronunciation: [TILL-tuh FUR-nuhl CRUM-pecker]
Middle Name: Fernal [FUR-nuhl]
Title: Sanatorium head magister
Magic Affiliation: Sanguinati
Sanguinati Coven: Wormwood Philters
Education: Mystic Steeples
Magister of Sanguinati magic
Address: Mystic Steeples, Severance, Hoopenfangia.
Date & Place of Birth: Unknown. She is 46 yrs. old.
Date & Place of Birth: Unknown. She is 46 yrs. old.
Height/Weight/Physical Description: Medium height. / Normal weight. / With her thin, glum face, hair in a bun, and broad nose, Tilta is crabby looking. She has arthritis and seems older than she really is.
Citizenship/Ethnic Origin: Hoopenfangia. Caucasian. Tilta has Russian ancestry.
Spouse or Lover: Childless and unlucky at love.
Occupation/Employer: Head magister of Grossatete Sanatorium. She works for Mystic Ministry, in which O Enchantedness is the head.
Magic Specialties:
- Magic Talisman: Tilta twists the medallion on her black pointed hat, and this causes an unseen force to move people out of her way.
- Magic Wand: Tilta uses a 14-inch wand made of ancient oak. The wand has a carnelian core and a decorative iron tip.
Salary: Large.
Community Status: Tilta is not liked by most of the Sanguinati, but they respect her for many of her accomplishments. Political Beliefs/Affiliations: Traditional Sanguinati.
Hobbies/Recreations: Looking for mischief and undesirable behavior among inmates.
Attitude toward Life: Give them an inch; they’ll take a nation.
Idiosyncrasies: Tilta asks people to take their shoes off and wear furry slippers before entering her office. Cannot and will not be late for anything. Ordering or arranging things “just so.” Always double-checks everything.
Voice: She cackles and has a mean, intimidating quality to her speech. She calls Sanatorium inmates “Sanatoribums.” Tends to shout at people.
Community Status: Tilta is not liked by most of the Sanguinati, but they respect her for many of her accomplishments. Political Beliefs/Affiliations: Traditional Sanguinati.
Hobbies/Recreations: Looking for mischief and undesirable behavior among inmates.
- Food and drink: Craves red meat. Likes garlic and puts it in everything.
- Music: Preston Fox’s hymns.
- Literature: The Controssua.
- Clothing: Black plain clothing, pointed black hats, white collars and sleeves, black boots.
Attitude toward Life: Give them an inch; they’ll take a nation.
Idiosyncrasies: Tilta asks people to take their shoes off and wear furry slippers before entering her office. Cannot and will not be late for anything. Ordering or arranging things “just so.” Always double-checks everything.
Voice: She cackles and has a mean, intimidating quality to her speech. She calls Sanatorium inmates “Sanatoribums.” Tends to shout at people.
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